Moving forward with Atlantic City, NJ 2018
Steve McMullin, President of the American Fisheries Society, Meeting Chairs Jeff Brust (NJDEP) and John Clark (DNREC), as well as the countless other folks helping steer the International American Fisheries Society meeting in Atlantic City, NJ are continuing to plan and develop content to make the AC 2018 meeting an overwhelming success. Members of the MAC have been involved with the Parent Society from the beginning of the process and many details have already been taken care of (such as the hotel accommodations, food, and socials). However, as we get closer, more and more will need to be done. We will begin to develop important subcommittees and symposia in the coming months. Let us know if you are interested in volunteering in any way. We plan to spend a considerable amount of time discussing and planning AC 2018 over the course of this year and at our annual meeting in the fall.
Take a minute to learn more about Atlantic City!
And to learn more about the 2018 National Meeting, click here.
The MAC annual meeting was held concurrent to the Society’s international meeting in Atlantic City August 19-23, 2018. Please go to for complete details.